Cafe at The Ridge

Cafe at the Ridge 13439 S. Ranch Road 783, Kerrville, TX, United States

Down-home Texas cooking with a garden view.  Enjoy hill-country-favorite recipes with a nice live-room atmosphere.  Dine inside or out.  Shop the plants in the nursery before dinner.

Joanne Marie and Me

Joanne Marie and Me 321 Hwy 39, Ingram, TX, United States

Signor wine tasting room and retail boutique in Ingram, Texas.

Flavory TX–Holiday Prelude

Swallow's Eve 1411 Lower Crabapple, Fredericksburg, TX, United States

Wine and Food tasting for the upcoming Holiday Season.

Cafe at The Ridge

Cafe at the Ridge 13439 S. Ranch Road 783, Kerrville, TX, United States

Down-home Texas cooking with a garden view.  Enjoy hill-country-favorite recipes with a nice live-room atmosphere.  Dine inside or out.  Shop the plants in the nursery before dinner.

Comanche Trace

Comanche Trace 2801 Comanche Trace Drive, Kerrville, TX

Pre-Eclipse Happy Hour!  Out under the stars on the Pinnacle Landing.